Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thomas Jefferson's Koran and What He Learned From It

Democrat Keith Ellison is now officially the first Muslim United States congressman. True to his pledge, he placed his hand on the Quran, the Muslim book of jihad and pledged his allegiance to the United States during his ceremonial swearing-in.
Capitol Hill staff said Ellison's swearing-in photo opportunity drew more media than they had ever seen in the history of the U.S. House. Ellison represents the 5th Congressional District of Minnesota.
The Quran Ellison used was no ordinary book. It once belonged to Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States and one of America's founding fathers. Ellison borrowed it from the Rare Book Section of the Library of Congress. It was one of the 6,500 Jefferson books archived in the library.
Ellison, who was born in Detroit and converted to Islam while in college, said he chose to use Jefferson's Quran because it showed that "a visionary like Jefferson" believed that wisdom could be gleaned from many sources.
There is no doubt Ellison was right about Jefferson believing wisdom could be "gleaned" from the Muslim Quran. At the time Jefferson owned the book, he needed to know everything possible about Muslims because he was about to advocate war against the Islamic "Barbary" states of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Tripoli.
Ellison's use of Jefferson's Quran as a prop illuminates a subject once well-known in the history of the United States, but, which today, is mostly forgotten - the Muslim pirate slavers who over many centuries enslaved millions of Africans and tens of thousands of Christian Europeans and Americans in the Islamic "Barbary" states.
Over the course of 10 centuries, Muslim pirates cruised the African and Mediterranean coastline, pillaging villages and seizing slaves.
The taking of slaves in pre-dawn raids on unsuspecting coastal villages had a high casualty rate. It was typical of Muslim raiders to kill off as many of the "non-Muslim" older men and women as possible so the preferred "booty" of only young women and children could be collected.
Young non-Muslim women were targeted because of their value as concubines in Islamic markets.
When American colonists rebelled against British rule in 1776, American merchant ships lost Royal Navy protection. With no American Navy for protection, American ships were attacked and their Christian crews enslaved by Muslim pirates operating under the control of the "Dey of Algiers"--an Islamist warlord ruling Algeria.
Because American commerce in the Mediterranean was being destroyed by the pirates, the Continental Congress agreed in 1784 to negotiate treaties with the four Barbary States. Congress appointed a special commission consisting of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, to oversee the negotiations.
Lacking the ability to protect its merchant ships in the Mediterranean, the new America government tried to appease the Muslim slavers by agreeing to pay tribute and ransoms in order to retrieve seized American ships and buy the freedom of enslaved sailors.
Adams argued in favor of paying tribute as the cheapest way to get American commerce in the Mediterranean moving again. Jefferson was opposed. He believed there would be no end to the demands for tribute and wanted matters settled "through the medium of war." He proposed a league of trading nations to force an end to Muslim piracy.
In 1786, Jefferson, then the American ambassador to France, and Adams, then the American ambassador to Britain, met in London with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the "Dey of Algiers" ambassador to Britain.
The Americans wanted to negotiate a peace treaty based on Congress' vote to appease.
During the meeting Jefferson and Adams asked the Dey's ambassador why Muslims held so much hostility towards America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts.

In a later meeting with the American Congress, the two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."

For the following 15 years, the American government paid the Muslims millions of dollars for the safe passage of American ships or the return of American hostages. The payments in ransom and tribute amounted to 20 percent of United States government annual revenues in 1800.
Not long after Jefferson's inauguration as president in 1801, he dispatched a group of frigates to defend American interests in the Mediterranean, and informed Congress.
Declaring that America was going to spend "millions for defense but not one cent for tribute," Jefferson pressed the issue by deploying American Marines and many of America's best warships to the Muslim Barbary Coast.
The USS Constitution, USS Constellation, USS Philadelphia, USS Chesapeake, USS Argus, USS Syren and USS Intrepid all saw action.
In 1805, American Marines marched across the dessert from Egypt into Tripolitania, forcing the surrender of Tripoli and the freeing of all American slaves.
During the Jefferson administration, the Muslim Barbary States, crumbling as a result of intense American naval bombardment and on shore raids by Marines, finally officially agreed to abandon slavery and piracy.
Jefferson's victory over the Muslims lives on today in the Marine Hymn, with the line, "From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, we will fight our country's battles on the land as on the sea."
It wasn't until 1815 that the problem was fully settled by the total defeat of all the Muslim slave trading pirates.
Jefferson had been right. The "medium of war" was the only way to put and end to the Muslim problem. Mr. Ellison was right about Jefferson. He was a "visionary" wise enough to read and learn about the enemy from their own Quran (Koran).

Monday, January 29, 2007

George Washington's Bible

Last week, at the Biblical Antiquities Center in LaGrange, Ga. I put my hand upon this Bible. George Washington's bible is a French translation. His notes were composed in English in the margins. I can't seem to get away from George.
Once, in Richmond, Virginia, I touched a door sill he walked through; in New York, across from the World Trade Centers, I sat in a pew he used; at Williamsburg, I sat at a table in a room where he, Thomas Jefferson, and the Marquis de Lafayette, met. But this experience, the touching of his bible, was the crowning event of them all.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Thirty Years that Changed the World

Michael Green has written an intriguing book. Check it out.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Finding and Experiencing "It".

The simplest and most natural form of evil is idolatry. Our hunger for God is so great, that whenever and however we experience him, we are prone to make that experience "It". Idolatry is when we begin to focus on any subsidiary or secondary thing as "It".
This peculiar form of idolatry, I call it "Experiential Idolatry", is most often revealed in our excitement: "Are you going to that concert? O man, are you missing it!" Have you read that book? It is anointed! Are you in that small group? "You're missing out!" God is here, God is there, God is moving, and you are missing it." All these things I have said in my excitement, and sometimes I still say them.

The greatest cure for idolatry is a steady devotional life; a daily encounter with Jesus. But beware, until that devotional life, (be it early morning, afternoon, or late evening) matures into prayer without ceasing, limited devotion itself can become idolatry.
It is not my quiet time that sustains me. It is Jesus. It is not some anointed speaker that guides me, it is Jesus. It is not some meeting that is "It". IT is Jesus.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Failure of Rationalism

The current debate over bestiality has obvious parallels to a myriad of evils: transsexuality, lesbianism, homosexuality, metrosexuals, bisexuals, transvestites, necrophilia, etc. I post a representation of The Thinker by Rodin as an icon of rationalism. Rationalism is the theory that the exercise of reason, rather than experience, authority, or spiritual revelation, provides the primary basis for knowledge.
It is a sobering insight to remember that "The Thinker" resides above Rodin's famous work, "The Gates of Hell". This stunning work was executed by Rodin as an artistic expression of the vacuity of reason. The portico of hell, over-thought by reason, is held up by twisted humans in various throes of sexual passion.
Need proof of the failure of rationalism? Read the article below, on Beastiality.

Beastiality: Sundance Film Festival, 2007

There is presently considerable debate in psychology over whether certain aspects of zoophilia are better understood as an aberration or as a sexual orientation. The activity or desire itself is no longer classified as a pathology under DSM-IV (TR) (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association) unless accompanied by distress or interference with normal functioning on the part of the person, and research has broadly been supportive of at least some of zoophiles' central claims. Critics point out that that DSM-IV says nothing about acceptability or the well-being of the animal, and many critics outside the field express views that sexual acts with animals are always either abusive or unethical. Defenders of zoosexuality argue that a human/animal relationship can go far beyond sexuality, and that animals are capable of forming a genuinely loving relationship that can last for years and which is not functionally different from any other love/sex relationship.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I Don't Mean to be Rude, but....

Why do we enjoy seeing other Americans derided by sarcastic bits?
Why do we rush to watch Simon Cowell’s famous put downs?
Why do we like the jest and syntax of insult?
What is the appeal of his histrionic display of disdain toward other humans?
How is it that emotional exploitation entertains us?
Why do we like for the camera to close in on the eyes of those who have failed?

The Religion of Environmentalism

In Christianity, God provides for man an all encompassing narrative of life. Man, yielded to God, does not have to make up reasons for his existence. Nor is he left to guess as to the nature of his predicament. In the story of Adam and Eve we learn that man has fallen. Paradise is ruined. God hates the rebellion of sin that brings destruction. In the end, man’s destructive powers will destroy, but not beyond God’s redemptive powers to deliver and save. An apocalyptic end of time is insured by sin, but avoided by grace.

When people reject God and the sacred texts that reveal Divine Truth, they are left to come up with another story, another kind of narrative that will make sense of their lives. How will they explain man’s predicament? Who will tell us of the end that is to come? Why are we here?

As the modern world rejects Christianity and all the Judaeo-Christian principles derived from it, environmentalism may be emerging as a new religion. Environmentalism offers an alternative account to the Christian story.

Environmentalism has its own account of creation (evolution), its own understanding of sin (capitalism), its own devil (Republican), its own weeping end (global warming/catastrophe). Salvation is found in new age principles (earth, air, fire, water), in pluralism (why can’t we all just get along?) and borderless countries. The priests of this religion (liberal media and Democratic Party officials) rush to the discoveries of the Yerkes Institute to excavate what it means to be human. The “Back to the Bible” version of environmentalism mourns the fact that we don’t huddle in Ape Groups anymore, and marks the decline of our species with the architectural finds of stone tools (which became deadly weapons.) Forgetting that sticks used to be the ultimate weapons, environmentalists blame environment, for the problems of mankind. In a which came first, the chicken or the egg cycle of debate, environment shapes man and man shapes environment.

So be it.

The shortsightedness of this new religion, the historical amnesia with which it is afflicted, and the hubris that drives it, makes it much too laughable. The danger of our laughing at such ludicrous theology is simply this: our chuckles obscure the stunning facts. A lot of people believe this stuff, and politics and public policy are being driven by it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Camp Viola

Water was carried around the camp for the thirsty. Names were placed on the tops. Now we still work with these kids at Unity Elementary through our church adoption ministry.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Small Group of One


People All Around Us

Now I Get It

Transparent. Nothing to hide.

Hurts, Habits and Hangups

Limp on in. Sun. nite. 5:30.

Real Christian Ministry: A Small Group with Jesus in the Center of It

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.