The Gospel says "Go". Our buildings say "Stay".
The Gospel says "Seek the Lost"
Our churches say "Let the lost seek the church."Howard Snyder..
The Problem of WineskinsThese prophetic words make us examine ourselves.
Ok. So let's be accountable.
We need $14,000 a week to equip the body here at WHBC
God is doing that. And more.
This last five weeks the church has received and spent $197,000. That's $127,000 on missions beyond our walls. Africa, New Orleans, Dominican, etc. That's $127,000 going out and $70,000 kept at home for mission and ministry in LaGrange, Celebrate Recovery, Pregnancy Care Center, Boy's and Girls Club, Camp Viola for Inner City Kids, etc. etc. etc.
God has trusted us with almost twice the resources of our cost of local ministry, because He knows we have tried to make sure it is not all about us.
I thank God for the privelege of walking with people who have a clear vision of Jesus. We are not perfect. But he covers our imperfections with his Love. What He has given us is a sacred trust. "Above all, a steward must be found faithful."