Friday, July 28, 2006

Dominican Republic

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I Couldn't Resist

Every Sunday night at Western Heights Baptist Church.
5:30 P.M. TIL 8 P.M.


heat humidity health

the new orleans mission
sweaty dirty nasty filthy
trying testing suffering
creating healing helping

Monday, July 10, 2006

Does Jesus Play Ping Pong?

Christian Nichles, our minister of youth with a heart for ministry, opens the gymn, the pool room, the youth cafe, the worship center, the ping pong tables, to the Boy's and Girl Club. We hang out and relate...not for what we can get or gain, but for what we can give. Thursdays...9 a.m. til 3 p.m.

Why is Marsha washing dishes?

The humidity is 110% in New Orleans today. Marsha could be in an air-conditioned dentists office, where he husband practices his vocation. Or, she could be in Hilton Head, S.C., basking in the sun; or, with her daughter in Birmingham. But she is in sweltering heat cooking for 350 people so they can rebuild homes in New Orleans.
Why is Marsha Firth doing that?

Beyond Theory

The Gospel says "Go". Our buildings say "Stay".
The Gospel says "Seek the Lost"
Our churches say "Let the lost seek the church."
Howard Snyder..The Problem of Wineskins

These prophetic words make us examine ourselves.

Ok. So let's be accountable.
We need $14,000 a week to equip the body here at WHBC
God is doing that. And more.

This last five weeks the church has received and spent $197,000. That's $127,000 on missions beyond our walls. Africa, New Orleans, Dominican, etc. That's $127,000 going out and $70,000 kept at home for mission and ministry in LaGrange, Celebrate Recovery, Pregnancy Care Center, Boy's and Girls Club, Camp Viola for Inner City Kids, etc. etc. etc.
God has trusted us with almost twice the resources of our cost of local ministry, because He knows we have tried to make sure it is not all about us.

I thank God for the privelege of walking with people who have a clear vision of Jesus. We are not perfect. But he covers our imperfections with his Love. What He has given us is a sacred trust. "Above all, a steward must be found faithful."

On Christian Looting

We have gone again to New Orleans. Perhaps its time, in the midst of this devastation, that we loot the devil. We have a clear vision of Jesus looting hell. We dare to steal despair, rip the sense of helplessness out of peoples lives. That is why 22 of us went to New Orleans. Last year I buried the dead; a group of us fed the hungry; another team took air conditioning. On this, our fourth trip, we join 350 others and restore homes.